Friday 14 September 2012


That word has worked for very many young companies.You need to ensure that above any other thing, you keep your word. Statistics show that 87% of start ups wither out before their fifth anniversaries. It is so sad but many companies choose to take bones that they can never chew. You lie to the client that you can deliver something that you outrightly know that you cannot.

Kristie Restaurant Garden Umbrellas by Shade Systems
When starting Shade Systems E. A Ltd, I had financial challenges and this could not allow me to handle some work of a given nature. I decided to invest in TRUST by being truthful with my potential clients. Today, Shade Systems has grown and the clients come to us and trust our word.

As a young entrepreneur can your clients believe you?

"I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can' t believe you" 
Friedrich Nietzsche

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