Thursday 20 September 2012


Today morning I got the chance to host two media personalities who were quite interested in knowing how Safisana Home Services Ltd was conceived and even how I introduced it into the market. This was a great opportunity for me to once again share with Kenyans on the spirit of entrepreneurship and how consistency has helped me to come through my challenges.

Safisana Staff

Evelyne Situma of Nation Media Group was quite shocked to learn that the brain child behind this company is a man. Well, I explained to them how a lady would come to clean my house thrice a week and I often had a problem trying to explain to her to be quite professional in her work. I was convinced that there were several other Kenyans out there who were having the same challenge. I decided to look at this GAP as an OPPORTUNITY that was waiting to be fulfilled, something that needed a solution.

I do not wish to delve so much into the interview since it will be a repetition when in appears on the dailies sometime next week. My message to you as an entrepreneur or someone wishing to be an entrepreneur is that people choose to look at situations differently, some will see a difficult problem and complain while others will see a gap and offer the solution.

Where are you?

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