Friday, 12 October 2012


I am one year shy of reaching 30, I definitely belong in the youth bracket. The other day as I watched a documentary on the people of Uganda, who elected a 19 year old lady as a member of parliament, I felt so happy. African journal presenters stated that statistics show that around 80% of the people of Uganda are below 30 years. This, I believe is relatively the same across East and Central Africa.

Safisana Home officer doing some cleaning
I see this as a very good niche and therefore, anyone who produces a product that targets these population will hardly go wrong. The youth to me, have a better chance of knowing what their counterparts would like to consume as a product or a service. Social media has even made it easier to reach this group of people. My vision is to see the youth taking up this challenge and creating jobs for themselves and employing their fellow youth. It has always been easy for me as a young C.E.O to understand my work-mates in my two companies, Shade Systems E. A. Ltd and Safisana Home Services. We jell very easily and this has seen the fire in these two companies keep burning even during the hard times.

Safisana is a young company and there are several opportunities that I have seen with this brand. In the next few years, I hope to see Safisana provide several home solutions that include an online platform where families will be able to search for and find different home service providers. When offering the home support services, our team at Safisana has witnessed several families consulting with us about several home services and products. what if we gave them the option for searching for all these on an online platform and finding them, yet being assured that the people on the platform have been vetted and confirmed as the best in such solutions? Safisana will have to vet and ensure that no fraudster advertises on this platform.

There are several other ideas that I shall be sharing with you soon.

If you give the youth fish to eat, you do not help them much. when you teach them how to fish and encourage them to launch their fishing nets into the lake, you help them more.

Visit the Safisana website on and that of Shade Systems E. A. Ltd on